Name *
Nationality *
Age *
E-mail *
Contact number *
Example: +60123456789
Are you current or former AIESEC member? *
Which Local Committee are you in currently/previously? *
Which university are/were you studying at currently/previously? *
If you answered others on the above question, state here your university *
Put N/A if it's mentioned in the question above.
What course are you currently studying? *
Which area of Malaysia do you live in? *
Please provide postcode and state/city
How do you know about Global Volunteer? *
When do you prefer to volunteer? *
What is your budget? *
Including flight tickets, visa, travel insurance and personal expenses for 6 weeks.
Which aspects do you wish to contribute in? (Top 2) *
SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
Which countries do you wish to visit? (Top 3) *
Let us know more about you *
Write down your enquiry about Global Volunteer, we will try our best to solve it for you *